Setlist at Xfinity Theatre Hartford, CT on Jul 5, 2022

Set One
The Music Never Stopped 12:09
Liberty 8:00
They Love Each Other 13:09
Loser 9:22
Alabama Getaway 4:44
Iko, Iko 8:35
High Time 8:06
Cassidy 12:56
Set Two
Jack Straw 12:58
Scarlet Begonias 12:53
Viola Lee Blues 9:59
Fire On The Mountain 9:06
The Other One 13:48
Drums 15:19
Space 5:33
The Wheel 12:02
The Other One 6:09
Black Peter 15:30
Sugar Magnolia 11:44
Xfinity Theatre
Hartford, CT
Jul 5, 2022

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Setlist at Xfinity Theatre Hartford, CT on Jul 5, 2022

Set One
The Music Never Stopped 12:09
Liberty 8:00
They Love Each Other 13:09
Loser 9:22
Alabama Getaway 4:44
Iko, Iko 8:35
High Time 8:06
Cassidy 12:56
Set Two
Jack Straw 12:58
Scarlet Begonias 12:53
Viola Lee Blues 9:59
Fire On The Mountain 9:06
The Other One 13:48
Drums 15:19
Space 5:33
The Wheel 12:02
The Other One 6:09
Black Peter 15:30
Sugar Magnolia 11:44

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James Kickel 7/12/2024 9:01:24 PM

"What a beautiful Cassidy. D&C took Cassidy to a whole other level "

Martin K 11/11/2022 8:56:05 AM

"Love this show. Solo mission and a religious experience. They love Hartford and Hartford loves them. TLEO "

Glasseye 10/8/2022 6:59:44 PM

"This was my first show, and boy was I ever lucky. I had planned to see the SPAC show the next day, and ended up getting miracled over Reddit. Went to this show and contemplated “do I, or do I not dose if I’m seeing a show tomorrow?”. Well, I did, and had a high time! It wasn’t the most “mystical” set ever, and was hoping the show the next day would get heavy. The next show ended up getting cancelled, and my travelling companion and I headed back to Ontario. Really loved hearing the music live. everything was very clear and clean. Perfect sound, perfect tempo. People piss on the slow tempo, but I found it very pleasing. It helped me absorb the music fully. Highlights: Cassidy end jam, jack straw, a great other one, mickey having fun during drums, Bobby gettin grumpy with the guitar rig "

Bro 8/27/2022 12:14:29 PM

"Very awesome show!!!!"

Josh L 8/13/2022 6:12:26 AM

"Was there a Saint tease at the end of scarlet or am I hearing things?"

BH2016 8/12/2022 9:10:43 PM

"Great Show! Liberty is always a tasty treat!"

Cheese 7/27/2022 9:45:15 PM

"Absolutely electric"

Gary L 7/23/2022 9:12:33 PM

"Wheel into other one dark and beautiful"

Rvanlee 7/17/2022 7:50:59 PM

"Liberty was amazing, the wheel was perfect. They love eachother was beautiful. What a show! Great time in the pit"

Chasing Amy 420 7/16/2022 7:33:14 AM

"Was there in person and my face is still stolen. Liberty was a nice surprise. Oteil had a great night in Hartford w High Time, Fire, and Drums."

Trey 7/14/2022 12:34:24 PM

"Was at the Hartford show and it was one of their best! "

JE 7/14/2022 6:12:30 AM

"This show is fire!! Get it!"

Roses Cantina 7/14/2022 5:28:59 AM

"Never danced so hard during sugar mag. Like ever in my life. Only the dead can make you do that!"

Fanoftheband 7/10/2022 4:15:43 PM

"Yeah yeah! Such good stuff!! The whole thing rocking so right! Drums/space!!!"

Martin 7/10/2022 5:02:09 AM

"Unbelievable energy. Never miss Hartford. "

Boz 7/9/2022 5:03:15 PM

"The show was fire! Shakedown was kick ass too!"

Mushy Sack 7/8/2022 11:11:07 AM

"This is what Phish would sound like if they had good songs!"

Moonweed23 7/8/2022 8:08:06 AM

"Great show , Scarlett/Viola was my favorite moment of a show filled with favorite moments."

Jeff Redfern 7/8/2022 5:59:18 AM

"The show highlights were Cassidy and Black Peter. Those songs were pushed to another level. Scarlet > Fire was also well played if less transformative."

Ross 7/8/2022 12:43:37 AM

"I loved the Sugar Magnolias closer! "

Anyone else hear 5 O’Clock Somewhere 7/7/2022 1:23:44 PM

"From John at around 8:45 of The Wheel? Great show"

Rene 7/7/2022 12:59:56 PM

"Great show! What was that lil added treat John was playing during the scarlet begonias jam? "

Ernie Nickels 7/7/2022 12:13:24 PM

"The improv transition from The Wheel into The Other One shows that this band has transitioned from a display of virtouso talent to a living breathing force of music. The spirit of the Grateful Dead lives on! 2022 run has been an absolute sonic journey. TY 4 A REAL GOOD TIME"

apc 7/7/2022 10:31:41 AM

"murph got to hear his fav song the wheel and grady was sposing arnd doing his work walk"

apc 7/7/2022 10:14:34 AM

"cole saw god and raro experienced heaven in shakedown street"

apc 7/7/2022 10:13:48 AM

"max talked to the grateful guru and sam ate some funky lollipops"

apc 7/7/2022 10:11:25 AM

"willkehr was tripping actual ballsack and matt was in his own world "

apc 7/7/2022 10:08:02 AM

"cassidy was the best and scarlet begonias stole the show but drums/space felt like you were listening to god"

Riley 7/7/2022 9:06:20 AM

"Best jack straw"

Bro 7/7/2022 8:14:24 AM

"Absolutely fire!!! 2nd set is soooo goood! But please let someone else sing Black Peter. Bobby sounds like he’s reading, and not singing. "

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