Setlist at The Forum Los Angeles, CA on May 19, 2023

Set One
Shakedown Street 14:34
Cold, Rain, and Snow 7:27
Mississippi Half-Step Uptown Toodeloo 12:11
They Love Each Other 13:09
St. Stephen 20:49
The Eleven 12:36
Deal 8:43
Set Two
Sugaree 12:39
New Speedway Boogie 10:12
Eyes of the World 18:40
Estimated Prophet 14:34
Drums 13:56
Space 11:58
The Wheel 8:33
Wharf Rat 12:05
Sugar Magnolia 9:46
Black Muddy River 8:37
The Forum
Los Angeles, CA
May 19, 2023

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Setlist at The Forum Los Angeles, CA on May 19, 2023

Set One
Shakedown Street 14:34
Cold, Rain, and Snow 7:27
Mississippi Half-Step Uptown Toodeloo 12:11
They Love Each Other 13:09
St. Stephen 20:49
The Eleven 12:36
Deal 8:43
Set Two
Sugaree 12:39
New Speedway Boogie 10:12
Eyes of the World 18:40
Estimated Prophet 14:34
Drums 13:56
Space 11:58
The Wheel 8:33
Wharf Rat 12:05
Sugar Magnolia 9:46
Black Muddy River 8:37

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Show Notes

Dead & CompanyBobby Weir, Mickey Hart, John Mayer, Oteil Burbridge, Jeff Chimenti & Jay Lane

The Final Tour - Summer 2023 opener

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Shmoopy 7/30/2024 3:03:51 PM

"Great show. Wish Bobby would mellow his tone out a little though. There’s a little nails on a chalkboard going on in EOTW. "

WSC 4/13/2024 11:33:05 AM

"I’ve been to many many shows - and this one was special. There was electricity and magic in the air in the Forum on the opening night of this tour. "

Terrapin Tom 9/16/2023 11:29:33 PM

"Nothing beats the sound system in forum. Eyes jam with the stars in the ceiling was unbelievable "

Cullen 8/3/2023 1:36:01 PM

"That jam in st Stephen was incredible. "

taint stephen 5/30/2023 12:35:33 AM

"I finally got to see my beloved saint stephen after years of chasing it. best time i’ve seen the dead. I will hold this night in my heart for years to come. thank you so much bobby, johnny, oteil, billy, mickey, jay, and jeff."

Jared 5/29/2023 4:51:56 PM

"Really fun start to the last tour ever. First set first night was one of the best parts of the weekend. Stephen got deep and 11 was great. Deal is just better than it has been in ages. That Eyes, well it was rough. Sugaree was excellent but that New Speedway was unexpected and was killer. "

Scott W 5/27/2023 7:19:18 PM

"Great show with some caveats.Love Shakedown Street but thought the jam could have been better, didn't get me boogyin like it usually does, kind of flat instead of bouncy. The jams in Half-Step were totally awesome. I noticed my friend having a peak experience during They Love Each Other, prompting me to eat another mushroom. St. Stephen took me to a new dimension and I finally got to hear The Eleven! DEAL stole the show though, absolutely mind-blowing fun! I was literally laughing and don't think I've ever moved like I did during that jam!! Sugaree was great but not as good as last time they played it at Hollywood Bowl when Mayer unleashed blasts of high frequency energy at us. New Speedway Boogy was great too. I noticed that Bobby's guitar sounded too grating during some of the songs, and I even complained about it during Eyes. He soloed during what is usually the best part of the song and would have sounded pretty good if it wasn't so tinny and screechy. Not sure if they had his guitar amped up too high intentionally or not, but it's not a good sound for lead. Estimated Prophet had a really juicy jam and one of best songs of the night after Deal and St. Stephen. Wharf Rat and Sugar Mags were standard fare, but Black Muddy River was stunningly beautiful. Night two was f***ing amazing."

Stager Lee 5/27/2023 7:01:01 PM

"FORUM shows were on point!!!! And as another reviewer said, first set was fire the whole thing from start to finish and the second set all the way thru to drums/space then the wheels fell off (no pun intended), wheel was okay but after that it was like Mayer just stopped driving the jams, like he was just going through the motions, Bobby too. You could really tell with the sunshine daydream which is usually a scorcher, just fell flat. But all in all it was a great show and a great weekend and it made me want to hit the S. F. shows to end the tour and am gonna get tix, I can’t miss it if this is any indication of what the tour is gonna be like. It was really like being at a show back in the 80’s, the feeling, the music, the whole vibe was there for the first time, at least for me. "

Senior Patricio 5/26/2023 11:27:53 PM

"Bob wasn’t as screechy live in person. Sometimes I wonder, is he playing the same song as everyone else?! But with others in the mix it’s all good. Now, Bob alone with Wolf Bros, completely different story…"

Al 5/26/2023 3:10:32 PM

"100/10. Fantastic. Delicious. Inspired. Electric. Sublime "

Musicalone 5/25/2023 9:48:55 PM

"Amazing show! Walking into the isles after Deal for the set break, everyone said “AMAZING”!! But Bobby’s guitar tone is abominable! If they just smooth out the “FINGERNAILS ON CHALKBOARD” tone of Bobs guitar it would be beautiful."

Grateful Davearooni 5/25/2023 3:33:50 PM

"Incredible show - Dead & Company is really bringing it to another level this year! Not seeing any drop-off in quality really after the special Barton Hall show. If the first two LA shows and the AZ show are any indication, we are set for a beautiful "final" tour. So far I've made it through Eyes of the World, and Bobby's guitar isn't bothering my old drummer ears. Yes, he is pretty high in the mix, but I think it is more of the high-frequency, screechy tone he is using which bugs some people. I think he is just experimenting and maybe going for a faux-broken guitar vibe or something. Adds a little bit of a rougher edge to things and maybe keeps portions of the jamming from sounding like elevator music, LOL."

Han brolo 5/25/2023 4:57:01 AM

"Ever since rat dog Bobby is the only one who does the 11 lyrics justice and doesn't rush them, breaks them up to be magical and flowing. The dead and other renditions rush them and mash em up. He does the count down right and all the lyrics. the dead never had the flow of the vocals down for it. It's really surprising as he rushes songs like Stella Blue. Sounding great over all and stoked the boys are doing it one more time. Where's the Billy and the Kids tour announcement? After the disco biscuits get off tour? About to leave Iceland. I suggest listening to the Iceland shows. Best nights of music I na while. And Harpa is the best venue I'll have been to. Next level sound. "

Kenny 5/25/2023 12:49:45 AM

"Best version of Cold, Rain, and Snow I’ve ever heard… just my personal favorite. Had such an awesome time. The entire show was amazing, the first set was on another level "

Alan 5/24/2023 4:30:37 PM

"Great show but yeah I agree, starting with set 2 Bob's guitar is way too loud. Pretty much dominated the conversation. It didn't sound like this in videos I've seen including auds & the first song webcast, so hopefully it can be remixed and this version replaced. "

Sound is superb 5/24/2023 7:01:36 AM

"The mix is perfect and the band sounds gelatinous. See y’all down south. "

Wes 5/24/2023 6:31:47 AM

"Bob is SUPER LOUD during this recording!!! So much so that it’s extremely distracting."

Bbh 5/24/2023 4:00:59 AM

"Sounds good, are the pumping audience crowd noise into the mix during certain parts of the songs? Bobby volume way too high in the mix."

Bill Kinsman 5/23/2023 4:35:02 PM

"The best show I have been to in a long time. The boys came to play and they really put the McIntosh sound system through its paces and demonstrated how things are supposed to sound! I normally don't care for the drums/space segment, because it is usually too unnatural for me. But on Friday night, Mickey, Oteil and Jay had my feet going crazy like an African dancer! It was unforgettable! You will never be able to forgive yourself if you miss the last tour, so get to a show! "

SC 5/23/2023 1:23:31 PM

"The band sounding so good! I love all good sounds hitting my ears. All the parts come together for magic! Making me happy summer is here again. Can’t wait to see you in my neck of the woods!!"

Guster and the slime fish 5/23/2023 8:25:45 AM

"Overall great show. The boys definitely got into a good rhythm and had awesome tempo all night. I must say this though - I love Bobby I really do, but his guitar made Eyes of the World almost unbearable to listen to. "

Andrew S 5/22/2023 10:21:47 PM

"These LA shows are great shows, but unfortunately Bob is so loud in the mix they’re almost unlistenable. His playing style isn’t meant to be the lead focal point of the mix and unfortunately his screeching style dominates great performances from the rest of the band. Really too bad. "

BSK 5/22/2023 5:42:32 PM

"This band found a new gear at Cornell and is taking GD music into new territory. Really, it doesn't get any better than this in my book. Bobby sounds great, love hearing his energy in this mix. Kudos to the engineers. Jaw-dropping capture. I'm in awe."

jeii 5/22/2023 5:07:27 PM

"Was at this show and the Bobby mix problem was apparent live as well. I think it has more to do with the tone he chose than the mix on the board. Overall great Set 1 and solid start to Set 2. But it kinda dragged for me after Drums. I like Wharf Rat well enough, but this one, coming after a slow Wheel, didn’t do it for me. "

Uncle Ken 5/22/2023 4:15:44 PM

"Amazing opener. Set 1 was fire. Eyes was transcending, especially with the twinkle lights covering the entire Forum ceiling. It’s Jay Lane’s gig now and it’s gone next level. "

Stan G 5/22/2023 4:09:19 PM

"Boys off to solid start. Wish Bobby’s guitar tone was less bright."

This ain’t Barton Hall 5/22/2023 3:51:50 PM

"You can tell because Bobby is loud af. Great tour opener. The Jay Lane effect is in full swing. Hey Bob. We love you. Don’t go chasing waterfalls. "

Estimated 5/22/2023 3:20:06 PM

"A incredible opening at Kia Forum L.A.!!!!! Set list ,,sound by Meyer sound and Coyle lights!!!!!"

Lloyd B 5/22/2023 2:56:05 PM

"Great show! However the mix has Bobby’s rhythm guitar way too prominent, making it a somewhat difficult listen. "

jackstraw90 5/22/2023 2:24:54 PM

"Fantastic show to start off the tour. I do have one complaint though. I love Bobby to death and none of this would exist if it weren’t for him so I really don’t mind. However, he is much too loud in the mix throughout parts of this show and every show for that matter. For example, listen to Jeff’s solo on shakedown street and you’ll hear Bob just loudly screeching at twice the volume of everyone else lol. Otherwise I think they sound great this tour. Excited to see them several times over the next month or two. "

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