Setlist at Ting Pavilion Charlottesville, VA on Sep 9, 2024
Set One
Set Two
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Setlist at Ting Pavilion Charlottesville, VA on Sep 9, 2024
Set One
Set Two
Show Notes
All I Need - Slow, melodic version. Unfinished.
I'm Writing A Novel - Father John Misty.
Into the Myst - Unfinished.
Turn On Your Love Light - Bobby Blue Bland.
Interluder — 3/6/2025 11:40:27 AM
"I love the interludes they keep throwing into shows. Nice!!"
Forbin — 9/18/2024 4:21:10 AM
"Tumble is the MVP of the show with 3 distinct jams. All I Need -> I’m Writing A Novel and Rosewood are the other standouts that are definitely worth a listen. Myst has a fun little jam. Lovelight rips. Stoked for the next one!"
Pigpen — 9/14/2024 11:04:33 AM
"That Empress -> myst -> empress is some absolutely magical stuff right there. 2nd sent is $$$$$ and you got to be kidding me with that lovelight encore. How do they keep getting better and better!? "
Corey — 9/12/2024 4:40:49 PM
"First live show with these guys - what an experience! I had pretty high expectations and they somehow exceeded them. "
Jordan F — 9/12/2024 4:32:30 PM
"Every time Writing a Novel appears, I’m in a good mood."
Howie — 9/12/2024 8:52:58 AM
"What a day to be liven’ !!!! "
TushyMan3000 — 9/12/2024 8:07:42 AM
"All I Need made me move that tushy! Such a fun groove they found. "
Cold nips — 9/11/2024 5:23:27 PM
"Cotter sounded great! Loved this show, always get hard for an animal. tumble took off!"
TomCornParker — 9/11/2024 6:59:29 AM
"What is rick teasing right before the 9 minute mark?? i know it’s something and he repeats it a few times "
Stumbles — 9/11/2024 4:32:00 AM
"A rare stumble by Rick on the Tumble lyrics in the intro that threw me for a sec. Song still soars once past the lyrics. Love this band!"
Dan — 9/10/2024 12:43:20 PM
"First set seemed little uninspired; lotta great ideas but nothing takes off. The second set is my favorite thing they've done since Cotter joined, LOVE IT."
Max s — 9/10/2024 12:27:01 PM
"Tumble is outstanding!!!! The rest is standard goose "
Jakesteve — 9/10/2024 11:10:40 AM
"straight heat. incredible show. no notes. "
GOOOOOOSE — 9/10/2024 10:39:01 AM
"Best show of the year by far "
T — 9/10/2024 10:13:36 AM
"Reeeeeallly fun show. The Animals, Rosewood, Rockdale was a really cool little run. The Tumble was STELLAR, and the Sea afterwards was perfectly placed and perfectly played. "
RobertDonald — 9/10/2024 9:46:08 AM
"Amazing show. The tumble jam was a face melter. "
Jackson — 9/10/2024 8:46:23 AM
"Most fun show outa the 3 I’ve seen!"
Great show — 9/10/2024 8:12:41 AM
"was watching the live stream, that was an amazing show. jealous of those in attendance. possibly the best night of the tour so far, up there with Boston N2. "
Jajunk — 9/10/2024 7:40:00 AM
"Overall fun show.. jams get a bit monotonous at times."
Midwest Matt — 9/10/2024 6:31:36 AM
"that feeling when they play Lovelight the show before you jump on tour... GOOOOOOOSE"
Austin — 9/10/2024 4:05:19 AM
"Absolutely killer set, this old sea was special. "
DK — 9/10/2024 3:28:01 AM
"24 minutes tumble. Yeah it was that good!"