Setlist at Ryman Auditorium Nashville, TN on Apr 1, 2023

Set One
Jive Lee 565
Flodown 645
Lead Up 360
Bloodbuzz Ohio 455
Tumble 1310
Thatch 926
Set Two
Madhuvan 1782
Silver Rising 543
Red Bird 1178
This Old Sea 307
Don't Do It 684
Hot Tea 656
Ryman Auditorium
Nashville, TN
Apr 1, 2023

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Setlist at Ryman Auditorium Nashville, TN on Apr 1, 2023

Set One
Jive Lee 565
Flodown 645
Lead Up 360
Bloodbuzz Ohio 455
Tumble 1310
Thatch 926
Set Two
Madhuvan 1782
Silver Rising 543
Red Bird 1178
This Old Sea 307
Don't Do It 684
Hot Tea 656

Show Notes

Jive Lee - With Peter on bass, Rick on drums, Trevor on guitar, Spuds on percussion, and Jeff on keys; The band came out dressed as each other and played each other's instruments
Bloodbuzz Ohio -  The National
Tumble - Vibey Tumble, played with regular Tumble composed section and jam
Red Bird - With Loose Ends teases
Don't Do It - The Band

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Alex 3/20/2025 9:18:56 PM

"Still love listening to this show"

JK ALL DAY 6/1/2024 9:47:41 AM

"This tumble-thatch combo is the best thing this band has done to date. Spicy chicken deluxe combo meal "

Trevor’s tongue 10/6/2023 12:46:25 PM

"Holy shit the tumble jam "

apc 9/17/2023 1:31:49 PM

"best red bird ever."

TheDancePolice 4/14/2023 2:07:56 PM

"This Madhuvan is absolutely incredible. Stunning stuff. My lord what a beautiful jam and build up. Yowzers. "

Phat D 4/11/2023 12:59:49 PM

"I agree the best Red bird I have heard. Also, loved the opening… Jive Lee was a hoot and then leaving the stage with looped sound on and coming back into a jam into Flodown really got the crowd (and me) going. I watched all three nights and by far the crowd was grooving the most on night three. At one point I felt like the crowd was full of little guitar burglars hopping up and down waiting to steal Ricks shreds. Of course that could have been the party favors talking. "

PBJ 4/6/2023 4:44:23 AM

"Madhuvan is a masterpiece. "

ZRob5 4/5/2023 10:18:27 AM

"Easily the best Red Bird I’ve ever heard. Peter’s build up of keys into Rick absolutely shredding is pure magic "

kt g 4/4/2023 5:53:50 AM

"These guys have some good goofs, and I fully appreciate their ability to keep it light amongst a shit show of a world. This show ruled, and live music rules. I love you goose! A set list of dreams, and a venue of the music gods. "

Ry Bird!!!!! 4/4/2023 5:41:26 AM

"GOAT Red Bird. One of the best shows they’ve ever played. TREVOR IS ON FIRE!!!!!"

UndrCovrTruckr 4/3/2023 2:48:34 PM

"Killer ending to the first set with a stumble into thatch. One of the best shows I’ve been to"

Tony Daltantaya 4/3/2023 6:14:25 AM

"MADHUVAN is absolute gasoline. Best ive ever heard. doesnt get better than night 3 at the ryman. Whole show is a barn burner"

Jcub 4/2/2023 3:31:05 PM

"Killer show. Best I’ve heard since TAB tour."

MADhuvan goes absolutely stupid 4/2/2023 1:54:42 PM

"Listen to this show for JOTY, the goated Mudhuvan. Redbird is hot as well. Some cool moments with the band coming out dressed as other band mates and playing different instruments. STumble was a nice surprise as well."

#soldongoose 4/2/2023 1:42:46 PM

"Being in the mother church last night with Goose ripping a 30 minute Madhuvan was a religious experience"

Dave 4/2/2023 1:40:09 PM

"Thank you, Goose. The mega-bliss jam in Madhuvan is like a Thanksgiving dinner. I slept for 13 hours afterwards."

apc 4/2/2023 1:26:52 PM

"best red bird ever done."

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