Setlist at Kemba Live! Outdoors Columbus, OH on Jun 27, 2023

Set One
Switchin' 9:17
Honeybee 7:14
Atlas Dogs 5:31
Jive II 11:04
Time to Flee 3:15
Jive Lee 15:42
The Old Man's Boat 12:21
Hungersite 17:14
Rosa Lee McFall 4:00
Set Two
Into the Myst 9:16
Arcadia 15:03
Rosewood Heart 19:04
Dripfield 15:17
Slow Ready 13:16
Tumble 11:39
Kemba Live! Outdoors
Columbus, OH
Jun 27, 2023

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Setlist at Kemba Live! Outdoors Columbus, OH on Jun 27, 2023

Set One
Switchin' 9:17
Honeybee 7:14
Atlas Dogs 5:31
Jive II 11:04
Time to Flee 3:15
Jive Lee 15:42
The Old Man's Boat 12:21
Hungersite 17:14
Rosa Lee McFall 4:00
Set Two
Into the Myst 9:16
Arcadia 15:03
Rosewood Heart 19:04
Dripfield 15:17
Slow Ready 13:16
Tumble 11:39

Show Notes

Switchin' - Wes Montgomery
Honeybee - With Coach on rainstick
Hungersite - With Flodown jam
Rosa Lee McFall - Charlie Monroe
Into The Myst - Unfinished
Dripfield - With Arkansas Traveler teases from Rick and Peter


"Flodown" jam in Hungersite

"Arkansas Traveler" tease in Dripfield

Coach's Corner: Rosa Lee McFall was played for the first time since August 8, 2019 (319 shows)

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Slice 6/28/2024 12:05:00 PM

"Shout out to this Jive Lee, what a monster version, it’s just electric "

Cosmic 6/27/2024 2:53:42 PM

"First Goose show for me and my homie, sparked an obsession - , can't wait to catch the boys next! "

bMMd 9/6/2023 12:47:34 PM

"This is THE show that got me into Goose and jam bands in general. A few minutes into seeing this show in person, I finally thought to myself “I get it”. The show was absolutely electric all the way through. The guys had a ton of energy and the crowd was so in tune with the groove. Some of Rick’s solos took me into a place of pure bliss. The way they build and build to a fiery crescendo blew my mind. Amazing show, can’t wait to see them again! "

TurtleMyCloud 7/10/2023 10:17:56 AM

"Did a 5 show run and Kemba was my personal favorite of the 5. Loved the second set "

Jordan F 7/3/2023 10:41:36 PM

"Love the Old Man’s Boat electronically enhanced jam. Shit slapppppsssssss."

not a waiter 7/2/2023 8:47:50 AM

"such a weirdly amazing show. 10/10"

Jack-A-Roe 7/1/2023 12:43:26 PM

"This show is pretty incredible. There’s like a cosmic electricity that runs throughout the whole show and some really spacey parts that are super good. Listened a couple times already - stellar show :)"

937Funk 6/30/2023 9:18:41 PM

"Rosewood Hearted. Love you guys so much. Incredible show. Til next time, cheers!"

Mark P 6/29/2023 10:24:21 PM

"These guys are a touring superjam. Just an incredible show. The mix was just right to capture it. I eagerly await this tour's releases because of recordings this good that just keep getting better."

Ashleigh 6/29/2023 8:35:00 AM

"Really loving this show. There are some different sounds happening and my ears like it. "

Beavah 6/29/2023 6:11:29 AM

"I wanted the jives and got them. I wanted the Rosewood and it delivered. Arcadia and Slow Ready were fantastic. Guys played right up to the cutoff for an impressively full Tuesday night crowd. Other than the haze you couldn't ask for better weather for a summer show."

Jambandad 6/28/2023 11:52:13 AM

"Reaaaallly loved Dripfield and Slow Ready. Wow. Venue was just awesome (if it doesn’t rain)."

Duck duck goose me up 6/28/2023 11:33:58 AM

"Beautiful set. Jive Lee in the first set was fucking awesome. Second set was also absolutely insane with a monster Arcadia."

HamBonePhone 6/28/2023 9:09:51 AM

"Ripper second set, tumble encore very obliteratory"

Crew 6/28/2023 9:00:29 AM

"Solid start to finish. Haven’t seen these guys in a couple years and it feels like they’ve leveled up since then. Lots of noise surrounding this band lately, but they can and will put a groove down for your enjoyment."

Matt M 6/28/2023 4:32:07 AM

"Awesome show! Rosalee was great. Monster Arcadia that was maybe only surpassed by the Tumble jam closer!"

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