Setlist at Riverside Theater Milwaukee, WI on Nov 21, 2009
Set One
Set Two
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Setlist at Riverside Theater Milwaukee, WI on Nov 21, 2009
Set One
Set Two
Douglas — 12/17/2009 7:05:35 AM
"The show was amazing! I think, 11/21/09 was their best performance ever. It was magical in so many ways. "
Gugs — 11/24/2009 10:37:04 AM
"Best 3-night run I've seen with Jimmy. What an absolute blast and it's so great to be able to count Milwaukee as a MUST BE AT RUN. Glad to fork over my cash for these."
Billy — 11/23/2009 3:52:02 PM
"Three spectacular nights. Milwaukee thanks you. Just awesome."
Mike R from AZ — 11/23/2009 12:18:38 PM
"Hey Phishhead the end of set 1 is on cd 2. Dah! Lol. Amazing shows! There is something special going on with WSP and the city of MILWAUKEE, its nice to be a part of it this year. These were the best shows I have seen since 2001. Very high energy! Mike R"
phishead39 — 11/23/2009 11:21:36 AM
"the first set ended on porch song, not your got weekend again from the boys"