Happygrass 187
McCoury Blues 141
Here And There 189
Benzinho 185
Cattle In The Cane 136
J.S. Bach: Corrente In D Minor 162
Flickin' my Pick 162
Dark Eyes 168
Oh, Mio Babbino Caro 142
Evening Prayer Blues 282
Calace Prelude 265
Rawhide 151
Mandolin Masters


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Happygrass 187
McCoury Blues 141
Here And There 189
Benzinho 185
Cattle In The Cane 136
J.S. Bach: Corrente In D Minor 162
Flickin' my Pick 162
Dark Eyes 168
Oh, Mio Babbino Caro 142
Evening Prayer Blues 282
Calace Prelude 265
Rawhide 151


John K 7/18/2010 1:39:11 PM

"This is by far the mandolin playing I have heard so far in my life! I am 53 and loving every minute of this album. I look forward to buying alot more soon. I believe my next one will be Giovani recordings from the 20s and early 30s. What a dream come to. Thanks Dawg."

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