Setlist at The Vic Theatre Chicago, IL on Nov 13, 1998
Set One
Set Two
Stream this show and the entire moe. catalog
Setlist at The Vic Theatre Chicago, IL on Nov 13, 1998
Set One
Set Two
AD — 6/5/2023 3:00:49 PM
"First moe. Album I ever got, think moth prob put the hook in me, but I kept coming back for the 32 things and Timmy. Great stuff from a favorite band "
Neighbor Nick — 1/29/2021 10:39:06 PM
"Was not there but damn 1998 old school 4 piece Moe was always my favorite! I never missed a Tabernacle show back in high school. This show crushes!"
Buster — 5/2/2007 2:12:33 PM
"This show is pure heat from start to finish! Timmy tucker>Californ IA is ri frickin diculous!!"