Setlist at Ogden Theatre Denver, CO on Oct 21, 2023
Set One
Set Two
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Setlist at Ogden Theatre Denver, CO on Oct 21, 2023
Set One
Set Two
Mike R — 2/10/2025 2:29:19 PM
"Wow… WURM by Yes !!!! Into St.Auggie>Reboob! Excellent "
S — 12/10/2023 1:17:38 PM
"Thought it would hard to beat N1 at the Ogden, but this might have topped it. Great show all the way through. "
Max H. — 11/28/2023 5:44:24 PM
"Can’t believe they closed it out with the bubs. St Augustine and Kyle’s song always slap. Great show"
Moening — 10/28/2023 9:33:01 PM
"Go moe! Boys are back with a new school and old grooves. I’m celebration of this year kicking some new ass in a new chapter, please post some more 99-02 shows for us moeronic fans. Boulder 2000 has to have great tapes form L recordings. Cheers!"
GTS IV — 10/24/2023 10:39:28 AM
"What a way to end the run!! Always a treat to have to boys play multiple nights in Denver! Head back to Belly Up ASAP next time in Colorado! "
Space_Mase — 10/24/2023 10:32:14 AM
"If you’ve never seen haha the moose you won’t understand the cross over of the “fuck you Rob” and how some moe.Ron’s show love. Just like Rob forgetting the lyrics, classic Rob. Long live moe.! Chuck.side"
Doogie — 10/23/2023 6:23:17 PM
"Cheers to moe. For keeping it alive and keeping it real, for real! This sounds great. Loving this "
Sam — 10/23/2023 12:05:37 PM
"Hands down the best moe set I’ve ever seen, this was my third show after the one the night before and red rocks. There was someone in the crowd who kept screaming “fuck you rob” and that confused me. Other than that, this was an easy investment."
Max H. — 10/23/2023 8:00:16 AM
"I’ve always wanted to see moe. this was my first show. I feel so lucky to get a rebubs and plane crash in the same night. Awesome crowd and even better sets. Four was straight heat??"
Mark Wadleigh — 10/23/2023 6:12:29 AM
"Was a great show, the crowd was really into the music and Al was on fire"