Setlist at Club Nokia Los Angeles, CA on Feb 26, 2010
Set One
Set Two
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Setlist at Club Nokia Los Angeles, CA on Feb 26, 2010
Set One
Set Two
Matty — 3/2/2010 3:59:23 PM
"This was my 62nd moe. show and I must say it was immediately in my top 3 shows ever seen!! The setlist was quite unique and the performances were insane!!! It was also my fiance's first moe. show and she is officially hooked! The 32 Things was quite possibly the most intense jam I've heard them play. I don't usually write reviews, but this show was so sick, I felt the need to do so!!! Do yourself a favor, and download this show!!!"
Dano — 3/2/2010 2:08:27 PM
"Best 2 set moe. show ever! dream set list, and the boys really threw down hard. There were moments during Tucker and Flo that I had to pinch myself to make sure it was real"
jeff cole — 3/1/2010 6:33:07 PM
"Great show! A couple of goose bump moments for me, Chuck's solo on Lazarus, the look Al and Rob gave each other looked like they were in awe too. The transition from Wind It Up, to Sticks and Stones, was one of the best jams I have ever heard. The heavy back beat and the back and forth between Al and Chuck was jaw dropping. You have found your inner Neil Young and Crazy Horse!!!! If you buy one show this year, buy this one. "
ordu — 3/1/2010 6:56:42 AM
"Best two sets of moe. I've heard. Was a totally amazing show. Timmy Tucker was mind blowing. They really brought their A game to LA."
John Russell — 2/28/2010 6:10:14 PM
"WOW!!! My first Moe. show I'm hooked for life. Can't wait for them to be back around...."
bushpilot11 — 2/27/2010 12:23:40 PM
"was astounded by the level of musicianship last night: the boys came out in full suits, kept the banter to a bare minimum, and proceeded to deliver one of the best (if not THE best) moe. concerts i've ever seen... 2010 promises to be a game-changing year for them as a band, and they're obviously ready to roll..."