Hydraulics 336
Turnaround 399
Dagobah 480
Heartbreak 388
Mack The Knife 401
Miles Mode 509
Little Melonae 626
The Sound of Surprise: Live at The Side Door

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Hydraulics 336
Turnaround 399
Dagobah 480
Heartbreak 388
Mack The Knife 401
Miles Mode 509
Little Melonae 626

Show Notes

Mike Casey - Sax
Matt Dwonszyk - Bass
Corey Garcia - Drums

Recorded Live at The Side Door Jazz Club in Old Lyme, CT in Feb 2016. Recorded, Mixed, Mastered by Nick Sexton
Executive Produced by Mike Casey, Joe & Pat Casey, Ken Kitchings
Album Art: Mike Casey & Matt Frenis

Track 1 by Corey Garcia (BMI)
Track 2 written by Ornette Coleman, arr. Mike Casey
Tracks 3 & 4 written by Mike Casey (ASCAP)
Track 5 written by Kurt Weill, arr. Mike Casey
Track 6 written by John Coltrane
Track 7 written by Jackie McLean, arr. Matt Dwonszyk

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