Setlist at Ryman Auditorium Nashville, TN on Mar 2, 2025
Set One
Set Two
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Setlist at Ryman Auditorium Nashville, TN on Mar 2, 2025
Set One
Set Two
Ernest T Hash — 3/23/2025 7:16:51 AM
"Rodney's hair is too long to allow the redemption of his soul. Or itll hit different when youre older or need a little eternal light in this cold cold world."
Midwest Matt — 3/19/2025 3:20:41 PM
"I can't stop listening to this magical show. It hits the soul perfectly"
Brenda — 3/16/2025 12:14:35 PM
"I would love to see a gospel album. made a gospel playlist out of set 2. Beautiful!"
Hank Williams — 3/15/2025 9:22:04 PM
"I saw the light, I’ll fly away ?????? that second set was nod to the heart of bluegrass what an amazing second set "
Hank Williams — 3/15/2025 9:19:47 PM
"The second set is an awesome nod to classic bluegrass roots the folks at this show got a treat I saw the light, I’ll fly away are you kidding me ??????"
Bob — 3/15/2025 9:57:40 AM
"Pretty awesome to hear you guys playing these classic gospels , God Bless you Boys ! "
Gm — 3/13/2025 4:55:35 PM
"We don’t all love Jesus -Billy Strings. First set was awesome. Second set not for me. ??"
UncleJuansBand — 3/12/2025 2:15:09 PM
"Show has been on repeat since it dropped! Incredible show!"
Noah — 3/12/2025 10:13:50 AM
"One of the greatest nights of my life being there in person. "
Great show — 3/12/2025 7:30:34 AM
"Love the first set. Second set isn’t for me but it seems like I’m outnumbered so I’ll shut up"
Rodney Burlap — 3/8/2025 9:25:34 AM
"This show - I thought Billyween N2 was incredible this Second Set was one for the rock of ages. Thank You Rev. Bill!"
Melty McFace — 3/8/2025 7:29:08 AM
"Mama Don’t Allow is absolutely amazing. Hope that gets put into the rotation more frequently"
Mike K — 3/7/2025 10:42:06 AM
"My mom died 2 weeks exactly before this show. Billy talks about synchronicity during this show. While the theme of Mother and Church songs are about the Ryman being the Mother Church of bluegrass music, I felt like my religious mom was smiling down on me telling me that everything was going to be ok. This show proves the Bob Marley lyric is true once again “One good thing about music is when it hits you feel no pain”. Billy and the boys gave us all a special show at the Ryman, thanks to them and do yourselves a favor and listen to this one "
Get down on your knees — 3/6/2025 9:20:43 PM
"Psycho>Mama Tried...damn! Give these boys a theme and they don't miss! Felt like the cat was away and the mice got to play!"
D — 3/6/2025 3:38:30 PM
"Favorite attended Billy show yet. Stripped down bluegrass with mics vs. plugged in PA. The Ryman ancestors would be proud. Nice tribute to the Mother Church. 2nd set gospel set hit me in the soul. Couldn’t have been more fun. "
Beautiful — 3/6/2025 4:39:16 AM
"powerful soulful shit here boys, loved watching this one on stream. giving em a lil classic night of old school bluegrass good stuff"
jzm — 3/6/2025 4:34:10 AM
"77 shows later and finally got my Workin' On A Building... God bless this band and this community. I love you all"
Yeah it is — 3/5/2025 9:54:41 PM
"Mama Don’t Allow but honestly fuck Billy for making this JJ Cale song into lowkey shit it’s kinda not really a bluegrass song tbh but go Billy!"
Mama Don’t Allow — 3/5/2025 9:53:05 PM
"Is Mama Don’t Allow a JJ Cale cover? If so fuck yeah - Cale has a song called Mama Don’t (Allow) but someone respond and lmk thx "
Donnyboy — 3/5/2025 6:42:01 PM
"I am absolutely loving the gospel songs! I need a billy gospel tribute record"
Ethan B — 3/5/2025 6:38:04 PM
"Every Jewish person in the “Mother Church of Country Music” lost their damn mind at Shalom Aleichem. Thanks for a hell of a show that I’ll never forget!"
Deadhead1 — 3/5/2025 2:21:55 PM
"Show absolutely slaps from the John Deere Tractor jump!"
SlewPyramid — 3/5/2025 1:44:56 PM
"Pastor bill delivered an amazing sermon. "
Tait — 3/5/2025 11:14:57 AM
"First set is about mommas, second set is about our father. Amen to that! What a treat."
Kolby A — 3/5/2025 9:19:15 AM
"My favorite set list of all time "
Gandalf — 3/5/2025 8:04:07 AM
"I’d work on the building too!!"
Millie strings — 3/5/2025 7:36:45 AM
Ravine — 3/5/2025 6:05:51 AM
"Shalom Aleichem?? Absolutely beautiful, this show will be on repeat for a while. Billy and the boys are really killing it lately. "
Nick — 3/5/2025 5:57:24 AM
"thank you for that second set billy"
Cara — 3/5/2025 4:42:50 AM
"Thank you Billy for doing Shalom Alechem!!! It means so much to your Jewish fans!!! This made all so happy!!"