The Nth Power

Live Music Festivals This Summer You Should Not Miss

Live Music Festivals This Summer You Should Not Miss

Welcome back to every live music lover’s favorite time of year: it’s summer festival season. It’s time to pack up the camping gear, load up the car with friends and family and heed the melodious call of live summer music. The 2022 summer music festival season marks the triumphant return of many of the music … Continue reading “Live Music Festivals This Summer You Should Not Miss”

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10 Years In, The Nth Power Is Just Getting Started

10 Years In, The Nth Power Is Just Getting Started

By B. Getz LISTEN: Stream The Nth Power live concert recordings. Impassioned purveyors of spiritualized dance music, The Nth Power makes a beeline straight for the soul. The torrid trio defies expectation and eschews industry norms, enjoying a profound emotional connection with fans that probes far deeper than surface levels. “We want to be the … Continue reading “10 Years In, The Nth Power Is Just Getting Started”

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