let's get shiny tonight 271
don't you come down here 238
last lick 367
the fatal dose 275
o dead man's hand 330
just a little snag 385
kryptonite 290
nothing works 234
the six white horses 493
the ballad of delia green 457
save the last watusi for me 326
honeysuckle still hanging sweet on the vine 285


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let's get shiny tonight 271
don't you come down here 238
last lick 367
the fatal dose 275
o dead man's hand 330
just a little snag 385
kryptonite 290
nothing works 234
the six white horses 493
the ballad of delia green 457
save the last watusi for me 326
honeysuckle still hanging sweet on the vine 285

Show Notes

Directly from the man, the mythical mystical legend, the captain of all with de fish in de head... into your earholes and beyond.

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