Setlist at Palace Theatre Columbus, OH on Oct 4, 2006

Set One
Thin Air (Smells Like Mississippi) 430
Little Kin 415
Tall Boy 432
Hatfield 872
You Got Yours 338
All Time Low 247
Goodpeople 386
Love Tractor 348
Set Two
Aunt Avis 521
Greta 570
Walk On 443
Don't Wanna Lose You 408
Henry Parsons Died 427
Casa Del Grillo 435
Chilly Water 443
Drums 726
Chilly Water 271
Life During Wartime 425
Give 352
Time Waits 311
Ain't Life Grand 302
Palace Theatre
Columbus, OH
Oct 4, 2006

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Setlist at Palace Theatre Columbus, OH on Oct 4, 2006

Set One
Thin Air (Smells Like Mississippi) 430
Little Kin 415
Tall Boy 432
Hatfield 872
You Got Yours 338
All Time Low 247
Goodpeople 386
Love Tractor 348
Set Two
Aunt Avis 521
Greta 570
Walk On 443
Don't Wanna Lose You 408
Henry Parsons Died 427
Casa Del Grillo 435
Chilly Water 443
Drums 726
Chilly Water 271
Life During Wartime 425
Give 352
Time Waits 311
Ain't Life Grand 302

Show Notes

  • Little Kin, Tall Boy, You Got Yours, All Time Low, Aunt Avis, Don't Wanna Lose You, Casa Del Grillo, Give, Time Waits with John Keane on guitars
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    veto noshake 2/26/2007 1:35:56 PM

    "i haven`t listened to the download yet, but i was at this show and the cincinnati show the night before. i remember this one being much better in my opinion. both were pretty good shows, but this one was a really cool setlist and i had a lot more fun than the night before. can`t wait to give it a listen!"

    Adam 1/29/2007 10:41:06 PM

    "i`m kicking my own butt now. This show isn`t sleepy. I must have been in a bad mood or something. Sorry!!!! This is one of those tours where even though, Jimmy hasn`t learned everything yet, it doesn`t matter. The set lists are thrown out the window b/c the music is amazing. Ready for the Spring THANK YOU JIMMY"

    T 11/7/2006 11:54:40 PM

    "Something special is upon us all. Jimmy has brought a new energy to a band that thrives on you me and all of the good people that know what "IT" is. "IT" is back and back with a vengence. If you want the heater of the tour get the last night of Austin, and set back and enjoy. We have something special again and they know it. I havent seen the boys have this much fun in probably 6 years. "

    Mac 10/16/2006 5:20:45 AM

    "Charleston is the new best show of the year, Herring was on fire. All the boys were on fire. I have been going to WP shows for 16 years and have probably seen around 300 shows and this one jumped right into my top five."

    KLOVE GBORO 10/12/2006 2:30:46 PM

    "I don`t think any of us are "bitching". Just eager fans, waiting to download the best show of the year. Impatient?? Maybe a little! :-) -- Love all of your opinions though"

    DiscoStu 10/12/2006 1:23:43 PM

    " Read between the lines Cdog. It tells you at the very least how much better the 30th is than any show they have put up yet."

    CDog 10/12/2006 12:55:43 PM

    "Seriously, get a life. The fact that they make it this easy to get soundboard recordings of ANY of their shows is a blessing. Bitching about other shows not being available doesn`t tell me much about whether to download this one."

    anndon 10/12/2006 9:55:26 AM

    "WOW! i came to check to see if this show was good to download, since it is an amazing thing that we are able to do this, but i cant afford to get them all, but all i see is everyone critisizing the fine people that bring us this great music and make it so easy to get. So how was this show, anyway?"

    Rick 10/11/2006 5:17:37 PM

    "Alright about take this to another board to voice your opinions on what Panic should and shouldn`t do with their shows. This show was fantastic as most of the shows this fall have been. It amazes me sometimes how greedy, and un-appreciative this fan base can be. Be patient the 30th will be up."

    Adam 10/10/2006 9:57:26 AM

    "perhaps you missed the part where i said the show was killer and chose to read what you wanted to. I meant sleepy in terms of the tempo of the show. "

    zkwp 10/9/2006 9:06:50 PM

    "SLEEPY? Come on Adam wakeup and hear it man. Jimmy rips whatever he plays, and furthermore this is not a sleeper show."

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