Setlist at Nokia Live Grand Prairie, TX on Mar 24, 2007
Set One
Set Two
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Setlist at Nokia Live Grand Prairie, TX on Mar 24, 2007
Set One
Set Two
VOLNTX — 4/1/2007 10:10:21 AM
"Your friendly VOL in Texas. Enjoyed the show, this was my brother-in-laws first…and an experience he will not forget. Of course I would have liked to have seen some other jams…Surprise Valley was tight, but it was tight at the Backyard, would have been cool to hear another jam, but Herring has found his place and that song certainly illustrates his contribution to the band. I know a lot of folk’s wish he would come to life more on stage, but the system has bigger challenge and that’s keeping the soul of the band alive, Herring in my opinion has done a masterful job of keeping the integrity of this band LIVE….I also enjoyed Jack…keep searching and developing your paint brush on that lead and when it’s found…I can only hope to be there to take all in… Red Rocks, second show in 08’…I hope to be in CO on vacation, I hope you guy’s decide to stop by…..for a couple two,tree days….. ..Todd "
LiveInTx — 3/30/2007 6:39:19 PM
"Best jam by far was the Party @ your Mammas House followed by breakdown blues"
Matt Rannals — 3/30/2007 2:10:00 PM
"Anytime it starts with Pigeons IT Is ON!"
noreasonnottobefree — 3/29/2007 8:19:25 PM
"Amazing show. Those guys love the Nokia and it can always tell a great show when the enthusiam is palpable in the lobby afterwards - - people screaming all the way to their cars. Pigeons was a great start. Porch Song just really ended the night on a high note....on an aside, I thought percussion was right on the whole show."
thedude. — 3/28/2007 11:16:27 PM
"The Nokia Theatre was rocking from start to finish. The atmosphere was GREAT for the show. As for the first set, it was good and i thought Mercy was the high point. Other than that, the first set was just good. However, from Parsons on, the second set really took off. PAYMH>Stop Breakin Down, Surprise>Bowlegged, pretty damn good."
DudeFromD — 3/28/2007 7:39:46 PM
"3rd year in a row I`ve seen them. Awesome show! I think Jimmy Herring is working out pretty well (understatement!). I just downloaded the show and listening now. It sounds good so far. Saturday night my favorites were From The Cradle, Tall Boy and maybe Imitation Leather Shoes. I sure hope they end the tour in Austin because I`ll be there!"