FDR 604
Der Bluten Kat 595
Pennis 296
10th Grade 195
Der Bluten Kat 327
Divisions 793
Glory 165
Divisions 434
Der Bluten Kat 415
Local Band Does OKlahoma


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FDR 604
Der Bluten Kat 595
Pennis 296
10th Grade 195
Der Bluten Kat 327
Divisions 793
Glory 165
Divisions 434
Der Bluten Kat 415


Timber_Jerry 7/16/2024 6:05:33 PM

"I was actually at this gig. The band I was working with at the time was playing there the next weekend. Gig was canceled do to the owner not paying his electricity bill!"

Dk 5/26/2018 9:14:05 AM

"I just "

spinephixer 3/13/2009 11:32:14 AM

""pennis" is in fact ocean billy (in its infancy one assumes)...with a crazy train tease inside ta-boot."

somethingtoofancy 3/2/2009 3:45:50 PM

"pretty good "

somethingtoofancy 3/2/2009 3:45:11 PM

"its good"

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