Made to Measure 194
Preamble 36
Mantis 711
Cemetery Walk 450
Cemetery Walk II 141
Turn & Run 448
Spires 462
Prophecy Now 168
Red Tape 343
1348 290


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Made to Measure 194
Preamble 36
Mantis 711
Cemetery Walk 450
Cemetery Walk II 141
Turn & Run 448
Spires 462
Prophecy Now 168
Red Tape 343
1348 290

Show Notes

  • Chicago’s Umphrey's McGee enters its second decade together with their hardest, darkest, and most artistically cohesive album to date. The new album hits streets on Inauguration Day, January 20, 2009, when Mantis casts another Windy City family into the limelight. Over 2 years in the making, Mantis pushes the envelope in composition, arrangement and group interplay.  In an Umphrey’s McGee first, the album offers 100% new material - a drastic change of pace for a band whose typical modus operandi is to work out the material live on-stage before recording studio versions. 

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Reggie 1/8/2012 10:56:03 PM

"Wait, I cnanot fathom it being so straightforward."

@Mike 8/14/2010 12:10:21 PM

"You are not a die-hard Umphrey's fan. If you were, then you would know this: Studio does not = Live. The studio album is sick, and the live performance is even sicker. And you would also know that bands are always changing their style. If you want the same god damn album every time then you're on your own. No one wants the same fucking album over and over again. Get some fucking music IQ . "

steve 8/19/2009 9:02:07 PM

"mike is garbage, dont listen to him this new ablum is just the shit, i dont even need to talk about it just find out, and forget about mike."

Mike 3/26/2009 9:19:04 AM

"Andrew, that would be great if this album was actually progressive. Explain to me how the song Mantis, Red Tape, Prophecy Now, Cemetary Walk II, Made to Measure, etc.. are progressive. Seriously, expain to me what makes them progressive. Furthermore, the reason Umphreys has attained fans is by playing the jam music they have been playing for about 10 years. when they make such a drastic change from jam music to bubble gum 80's shit, the real fans will be disappointed. I dont know how I can make it any clearer to you. This album is garbage. Period. "

Andrew 2/4/2009 4:59:09 PM

"Yeah this goes out to mike your review with your "points" is a load of bullshit. "Releasing an album that contains none of that influence is a slap in the face to any real fan" -Mike ^are you fucking kidding me? They are a progressive rock band. They are not required to put out music that sticks solely to the "jam band" genre. they put out what THEY like and a "real fan" should understand that. things change. this is an excellent album. period."

shayneless 2/3/2009 8:09:40 AM

"ok for those bashing mantis. YOU ARE FUCKING DEAF and oblivious to the significance of the album. they didnt try any of these songs on the road first because they wanted to try something NEW. and if such diehard fans shud regognize a few stews that shadow into the album. but again those bashing this album are deaf and shud maybe consider basket weaving or racoon watching instead of listening to umphreys. MANTIS= GIFT FROM GOD"

mgouker 1/28/2009 5:58:48 AM

"I really enjoyed Mantis. After a few listens I am very impressed. There are some monstrous songs that will really grow during the tour. A dip into the bonus material (so much there!) provides a great study into how this was concocted! Thanks Umphrey's McGee for making big promises, building enormous anticipation, and then DELIVERING!"

Mike 1/27/2009 5:22:55 PM

"One of the main reasons I love Umphrey's is because they can play a wide array of music. I love it when umphrey's does their funky breakdowns, or their intense hard rock jams, or the fast paced trance jams, or the groovy jazz fusion style, or whatever it is. I'm tellin ya, 60% of this album sounds like bad 80's music. I have a few points to make here; 1. If Umphrey's is truly influenced by 80's music, why have they waited until now to truly show it? 2. The die-hard Umphrey's fans, such as myself, were reeled into their music that appeals to the jam band fans. Releasing an album that contains none of that influence is a slap in the face to any real fan 3. I think people have a different understanding of what "bad" 80's music is. good music in the 80's was produced by bands like Pink Floyd. Bad 80's music is the cheesy overdramatic heavily synthesized crap with extremely cheesy vocals. Music that groups like A-Ha would make. Thats the kind of music this album sounds like. Listen to the palm muting with the chord progression in songs like Mantis and Red Tape. Youll see what I mean 4. I was very excited to see how an Umphrey's album where they dont jam would sound live. However, I dont really want to see how these songs are live, with a few exceptions (Cemetary Walk I, Turn and Run and Spires are pretty good. 1348 is a badass song). I was fuckin stoked to hear a 10 minute UM song where they dont jam, not that theres anything wrong with that. But I imagined a song like that by UM to be just plain epic. But when you have them write a song the same way A-Ha wrote "Take on Me", that song wont be good. Espically when it's supposed to appeal to fans that generally dont like that style of music. 5. I have listened to this album at least 8 times all the way through, so dont tell me I havnt listend to it enough or I dont know what I'm talking about. Chances are I've listend to this album more than most people. "

steve 1/27/2009 4:25:10 PM

"this album is effin sick-made, i love all the older stuff, few exceptions but this new album is really getting me pumped. screw all you loosers who say it sounds kinda 80s, take a second to listen to the whole album and tell me its not a near-perfect, well played, well written work of art. it doesn't sound 80s at all more like UM in 09, so quit hating and making lame comparisons and enjoy this awesome album."

Rk 1/27/2009 4:01:46 PM

"Sorry, rofl, there was some incredible and innovative 80's music, you guys are showing your age. If you don't know the guys' ages, they were heavily influenced by good 80's music. Anyway, this is a studio album of an improg band, so yes the live stuff is going to be much more extensive. However, that being said, off the bat I would say this is probably my favorite studio album by them. It's incredibly complex and deep. I think it will transition to live versions insanely well and am glad to see them expanding their play styles as any good band will. I can't wait to hear these songs live. I love their funk and their hard rock and their melodic trance, etc... that's the thing about UM, they play such a large array of music that if you only want one type your not going to get it, but they seem to perfect just about anything they take on... "

trunad 1/25/2009 8:13:16 PM

"This album may be too intelligent for most to fully understand. This album is going to be some of the best live songs that they have. The CD is smart and on point and i cant wait for these songs live and the jams that come from them. We are lucky to be part of them evolving. "

Mike 1/24/2009 11:56:29 AM

"Umphrey's McGee is one of my favorite bands. So you can imagine how much it kills me to say I am really dissapointed with the new album. The dude before was right, this album sounds like cheesy 80's music. What happend to the jazz/funk rock Umphrey's McGee the fans loved when Local Band Does OK and Anchor Drops were released? For the love of god, please start writing music in the same style you guys used to write music on the first two studio albums. The past three have sucked compared to the first two, and Mantis is the worst out of all of them. Even worse than Saftey in Numbers "

Chris 1/23/2009 9:40:54 AM

"lack of inventiveness? I don't think we are listening to the same album...."

The dude 1/21/2009 12:10:06 PM

"I don't know what happened to umphrey's but this new album sounds like some bad 80's soundtrack. They are no longer blending different musical styles and regressing to this terrible soft rock style with some heavy change ups. What happened to the jazzy sound mixed with the metal guitar and drums? I am gonna wait to see how the songs are played live but am still very disappointed by the lack of inventiveness of this album. "

Me0w 1/21/2009 8:13:49 AM

"Cemetery Walk II is the shit."

Jam Band Evolution 1/20/2009 11:14:05 PM

"i like the progression that um has made with mantis. its more prog-rock rather than the typical jams, but it doesn't mean that this cd doesn't jam; being composed entirely in the studio, mantis sounds like a jam band in the studio. For the most part, jam band listeners are scared by this concept, but don't be: mantis is art in music, and as an audience, i can certainly tell how much time was put into it! GREAT CD!!!"

Fort Collins on 1-22!! 1/20/2009 10:00:34 AM

"The album sounds good. I look forward to attending the first show after its release and hearing some of the new stuff live. Thanks Umphreys. See ya Thursday."

Eric B 1/20/2009 5:19:44 AM

"I've been Waiting for this CD for Ten Years! I love the Prog-Rock Feel of the new music! Thank you UM! The Year of the Mantis is Here!"

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