Setlist at Fox Theatre Boulder, CO on Mar 6, 2007
Set One
Set Two
Stream this show and the entire Umphrey's McGee catalog
Setlist at Fox Theatre Boulder, CO on Mar 6, 2007
Set One
Set Two
hometown umph fan — 3/10/2007 9:03:32 PM
"I`m from South Bend City and have seen UM 25+ times. This show was the sickest I`ve seen out side of some new year`s moments. The segues are EXQUISITE! Get This show before Umphrey`s rules the world!"
joe — 3/9/2007 8:54:40 AM
"gotta love the double decker glory samich. "
adebayor — 3/9/2007 7:30:48 AM
"It would be a waste of time to simply mention a few great songs or what have you. Allow me to say that this is the best UM show I have heard in my life. Everything that has been said about the 2nd set is true. So download it now. Oh and thanks UMlive for putting this show up so quickly!"
:( — 3/9/2007 12:11:47 AM
"I`m still upset I couldn`t go to this show. Sadly, I`m under 21 and spent the night down the street in the Basemar center trying to study at the Brewing Market, but couldn`t help but catch the setlist being uploaded as it was being played on some other website....i`m downloading it anyhow :)"
Um.....phreek — 3/8/2007 5:49:19 PM
"Fuckin sick 7th umphreys show and by far the best one....they brought the energy and this venue is the best for sound.....worth the download"