Setlist at Dillon Amphitheater Dillon, CO on Jun 15, 2023
Set One
Set Two
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Setlist at Dillon Amphitheater Dillon, CO on Jun 15, 2023
Set One
Set Two
Dance Hall Dave — 6/19/2023 6:27:23 PM
"Excellent show from start to finish. Women Wine and Song & Speak Up were standouts. Venue looks especially amazing."
LysergicBrain — 6/18/2023 1:17:55 PM
"Great renditions of Crooked One and Fussy. I had never heard Big Heart before, what a fucking dope tune that is!"
One of those older women — 6/17/2023 3:29:25 PM
"Dunno if it was some special knob twisting, the thinner air or what but that hot pink bass sounded even hotter than usual. The whole show was pure fire!"
Lets Go Brendan Bayliss — 6/17/2023 8:26:26 AM
"So happy to Exit Signs still in roto. Top tier emo Bayliss IMO. Blew my dome right off at UmBowl"
Pickles — 6/16/2023 1:17:47 PM
"Review of pay the snucka from my buddy who lives in Breck: “That metal section was so fun at the end” (it was his 2nd umph show). Feel like a proud father. "
Delana — 6/16/2023 12:47:48 PM
"Forget cold rainy weather, this show kept us toasty warm! The Bad Friday and Conduit blew my mind. Can't wait to have this one on repeat for a long time. "