Setlist at Horning's Hideout North Plains, OR on Jul 31, 2010
Set One
Set Two
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Setlist at Horning's Hideout North Plains, OR on Jul 31, 2010
Set One
Set Two
This Show Is Also Part Of

Michael Phelps — 8/5/2010 4:16:06 PM
"What a great night! Freedom Jazz Dance, Way That It Goes, and Cedar were highlights for me. I hadn't heard Kyle's new tune before, but I really liked it. The second set seemed like it went on forever, and I really liked the different types of songs they played. A lot of people don't like the new version of Joyful Sound, but I thought it was great. I was pleasantly surprised when they pulled out Orion's Belt. They've played some great versions of this song at Hornings over the years. The new reggae Sirens was sweet. I was getting bored with the old version. Texas was a perfect ending to a magical night. I can't think of a world without Cheese. I hope they keep playing, and they keep coming back to Hornings. "
Butter Flyness — 8/5/2010 8:27:56 AM
"HA! Are you kidding?! This was one of the BEST shows I've seen of the SCI. It BLEW my mind away! A lot of bitchy little peak people going on, WTF? Move on! This is what it's all about! If you can't appreciate it than go away! Things change and on Saturday night HH 2010 it was an awesome change! And like the last reviewer said, we should really be thankful that the SCI is still sharing their beautiful talents with us! UFO and a lady dancing on a string in the night sky....PEAK THAT!"
Was at the shows — 8/4/2010 1:59:04 PM
"For those that were at the show including me, it was a fantastic time. I enjoyed the music and highly recommend downloading all sets. When the video is done, get the second set from Saturday night. It was a really cool production. To all you trollers out there- STFU. If you weren't there, just be glad you have the opportunity to listen to it anyway. For those that were there, it was really fun and each night had it's own character. Saturday night 2nd set was possibly one of the best sets of SCI I've ever seen. Now I know that I've only been to 30+ shows since 1999, but I'm not trying to start a pissing contest with some uppity hippie. I know what a good show is and is not, as I'm sure you do too. Stop hatin' and bitchin about how good it was back in the old days. You sound like old people- bitchy, inconsolable, and lonely. Embrace the new because you can never go back. Be glad SCI is doing something again and enjoy your times with them. "
Josh — 8/4/2010 10:44:29 AM
"I have been to Hornings for many years now, for both NWSS and for SCI at Hornings, and I have to say that this night was one of the best time's I've ever had. The music was just great as well. I find it hard to believe that these guys have just come off a 3-odd year break from touring. Get all three of these shows, they were great. And who the hell cares if peak was there or not, Saturday's eye candy was still top-notch!!!"
Fergdude — 8/3/2010 5:23:13 PM
"Its quite obvious that the negative and whiney reviews are not from the people lucky enough to be at the show. Saturday night blew away '07's; just the UFO was more than anything "peak" could have achieved. If you hippies could stop bitching for a moment about jams you might actually hear a band that is growing and trying something new-something that all great bands must do. Long live the Pabst Care Bear!!"
CornStar — 8/2/2010 8:44:52 PM
"There was definitely a "peak" set, although they didn't actually use peak experience this year. It was a longer version of Rivertrance to start the second set. Then during the final fiddle solo, they let everyone back down into the bowl. It was a lot of fun, and there was a lot of crazy shit to look at. The first set was a little lacking, but they threw down during set two. The encores were especially ridiculous. Check out "Sirens", you don't even know that's what they're playing until Keith started singing. They really mixed it up!"
Gurth — 8/2/2010 10:50:28 AM
"Peak - Your first "review" of the the show was not a review at all, but a gripe. I agree with you that it is disappointing that the Peak wasn't there, but to hold up the shows from 07 as some sort of high water mark is what I'd take issue with. The 07's flat out PALE in comparison from what they did in 06, 04, 01, 00 etc. and I find them to be almost unlistenable when I can pull out almost every show from 06 instead if I want the Techno Cheese. These shows are quite good(not great or peak) with some great moments and about what I'd expect from a band that relies on chemistry for what they create, not having played together on a regular basis. Phish has been going through the same thing and the only cure is time together - something we all hope they invest in. Take what they give(or don't) and hope that they get back to something akin to that earlier space."
Not just Peak Experience — 8/1/2010 10:38:03 PM
"MY initial review of this show, the first one listed, is not to detract from the magic of Horning's. But in all honesty, the ceremonial third set is as much a part of the magic as anything else and it is COMPLETELY relevant. I was not referring to the production company, whose name was born of the very event I am lamenting, but in fact to the third set played at EVERY Horning's previous to this year. In fact, one of my friends and I discussed the possibility there would be none since this band CANNOT jam like the once did, unfortunately we were correct to worry. Take any show from 2007 and compare it to the shows from RR or Horning's - there is no comparison. If one's first show was in 2007, take a moment to understand the level of playing that summer and then this one. Cheers! "
Ståle — 8/1/2010 6:54:00 PM
"What is the peak in 2007 that people refer to?"
Rob B — 8/1/2010 1:27:47 PM
"Peak Experience is irrelevant to the music (IMHO), and not everyone's cup of tea. If one's first show was in 2007 there's no reason to know about Peak Experience and no reason to miss it."
mike — 8/1/2010 11:45:22 AM
""Horning's has been one continuous peak, perhaps that's why you didn't notice any one standout set :D..." really, you dont know what Peak Experience is? really, that is sad"
WaffleJunkie — 8/1/2010 11:40:11 AM
"Horning's has been one continuous peak, perhaps that's why you didn't notice any one standout set :D... Totally agree with the last poster, I was watching on iClips, they put one helluva spectacle during Rivertrance... Also, the music may have not peaked last night because they themselves were peaking, judging from what Kyle said during the second set.... I am inclined to believe it as things got very weird and "loose". There is also still one more night my friend, I'll bet they are saving the best for last. I was at all three RR shows, am kicking myself for not going to Horning's and will damn sure be at Hulaween - these guys are real, surreal, and unreal all at the same time. Fingers crossed they bring out Eric Krasno tonight!! (checkout 2007-07-13, my first cheese show)"
??? — 8/1/2010 10:21:24 AM
"I wouldn't feel too sorry for your friends....there was plenty of eye candy last night during Rivertrance."
Where's the Peak? — 8/1/2010 3:00:31 AM
"Kind of glad I didn't pay all the money required to go to Horning's since there appears to be no peak set (a Cheese Horning's staple). I feel bad for all my friends who did though, because I went in 2007 and it was off the chain. Better luck next year I guess..."