Setlist at B.B. King's New York, NY on Dec 31, 2003
Set One
Set Two
Stream this show and the entire The Radiators catalog
Setlist at B.B. King's New York, NY on Dec 31, 2003
Set One
Set Two
Show Notes
[Neumann TLM170s (subcards, ~4' height, split on front corners of
stage angled inward) > Sonosax SA-M2 mic preamp] >> Behringer
Mixer > Sonic AD2K+ (16ns3/48kHz) > Teac DA-P20 DAT master
SoundForge 4.5 (record, trim&fades, resample at highest quality
settings48kHz > 44.1kHz) / CDWave / FLAC
Fin Fan — 6/6/2004 2:13:44 PM
"As an ardent Rads fan, I offer you the following, on a 1-5 scale, with 5 being the best (or highly satisfied): Recording Quality: 4.0 Song Selection: 4.5 Rendition: 3.7 An acceptable quality recording that (for me) was a bit "bassy", obscuring more delicate sounds which can be heard on other recordings (such as the 4/29 Tipitina`s show). Some songs were "de-tempo`ed" into much slower versions such as "Party `till the Money Runs Out" and for my tastes were not enjoyable as a pure listening experience."
Brandon — 3/16/2004 12:14:59 AM
"Excellent Quality..Very Funky versions of tunes..Wish I was there"
Col. — 1/9/2004 5:35:46 PM
"This is the greatest band ever, everyone should be downloading this show."