Setlist at The Eastern Atlanta, GA on Feb 15, 2025

Set One
New Speedway Boogie 751
Estimated Prophet 1146
Loose Lucy 976
Jack Straw 904
Bird Song 758
Uncle John's Band 667
Set Two
Mason's Children 391
Hell In a Bucket 589
Help on the Way 403
Slipknot! 387
In Memory of Elizabeth Reed 1059
High Time 405
Going Down the Road Feeling Bad 447
We Bid You Goodnight 329
Turn On Your Lovelight 785
The Eastern
Atlanta, GA
Feb 15, 2025

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Setlist at The Eastern Atlanta, GA on Feb 15, 2025

Set One
New Speedway Boogie 751
Estimated Prophet 1146
Loose Lucy 976
Jack Straw 904
Bird Song 758
Uncle John's Band 667
Set Two
Mason's Children 391
Hell In a Bucket 589
Help on the Way 403
Slipknot! 387
In Memory of Elizabeth Reed 1059
High Time 405
Going Down the Road Feeling Bad 447
We Bid You Goodnight 329
Turn On Your Lovelight 785

Show Notes

Source 1: Schoeps cmc621 (On Stage, Split 25') -> Avid S6L (Preamp) -> Zoom H6N -> WAV (@24/96); 

Source 2: Schoeps cmc64 (FOH Booth DFC) -> Lunatec V3 -> Zoom H6N -> WAV (@24/96); 

Source 3: SBD (Avid S6L) -> Zoom H6N -> WAV (@24/96);

Transfer: WAVs -> SoundForge Pro 11.0 (EQ, Time Align, normalize) -> Vegas Pro 13.0 (mix/render) -> SoundForge Pro 11.0 (EQ, normalize, fades, 96->44.1 iZotope 64-Bit SRC; 24->16 bit iZotope MBIT+ Dither) -> CDWav -> FLAC

Costello & McRoberts Ultra Mix - Recorded by Peter Costello - Audio recording edited and mixed by Eric McRoberts

Set One (8:14PM - 9:42PM):

01.  New Speedway Boogie >

02.  Estimated Prophet @ >

03.  Loose Lucy >

04.  Jack Straw # >

05.  Bird Song ->

06.  Uncle John’s Band $

Set Two (9:15PM - 10:45PM):

01.  Mason's Children >

02.  Hell In A Bucket

03.  Help On The Way ->

04.  Slipknot! ->

05.  In Memory Of Elizabeth Reed %

06.  High Time ^

07.  Goin Down The Road Feeling Bad & ->

08.  We Bid You Goodnight *


09.  (Turn On Your) Lovelight +

@ - With a "Shine on You Crazy Diamond" (Pink Floyd) Tease (MB)

# - With a "Fearless" (Pink Floyd) Tease (Band), A Looks Like Rain Tease (Band), A short "Mountain Jam" (Donovan / The Allman Brothers) And multiple Mountain Jam Teases (Band)

$ - With a "Pink Cadillac" (Bruce Springsteen) Tease (MB) and a "Baba O’Riley" (The Who) Tease (JR & TH)

% - Not played by almost dead since 2022-11-11, The Metropolitan Opera House, Philadelphia, PA, a gap of 87 shows

^ - With Alecia Chakour on vocals, not played by almost dead since 2018-10-20, The Anthem, Washington DC, a gap of 196 shows

& - With Alecia Chakour on vocals (She sang all verses)

* - Lyrics were sung, With Alecia Chakour on vocals, Not played by Almost Dead with vocals since 2017–08–31 Red Rocks, Morrison CO, a gap of 246 shows

+ - With Alecia Chakour on vocals (She shared vocals with MB), Not played by Almost Dead since 2022-08-12 Hollywood Palladium, Los Angeles, CA, a gap of 96 Shows

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gedward 3/7/2025 3:56:00 PM

"On, off, reckless, or soaring, JRAD brings the Grateful Dead's 1969 energy to the whole 30-year canon, and that's truly a good thing on any night."

YetiGreg 3/4/2025 2:25:06 PM

"Regarding the other reviewer’s slow/chaotic start. I thought that Estimated Prophet in set one was pretty pretty great! So to each their own I guess. Keep it up JRAD!!! "

Luke 2/27/2025 6:18:10 PM

"Bit of a slow/chaotic start for my taste (I don’t really enjoy the “noise jams”), but the boys really ripped it up in set 2! I attended Friday night and hope they will post that one too! We got a TLEO on Valentine’s Day! In my opinion, JRAD is the standard bearer for live Grateful Dead music. I hope they will continue for years to come!"

Mikey 2/26/2025 2:31:30 PM

"Wooooowwiieeee this whole set is bananas "

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